"Someone like you" made her A STAR !!!

ADELE ~ is one of the most amazing singer EVER !!!
Who has exploded the music world with her brilliant voice and past bitter love story...

She once met a guy who made her broken hearted girl.
She already expressed that She can not find someone like him in her life again by "Someone like you"
But, life still goes on, she met an another one who saved her from the heartbroken pain.

She also expressed that She is now not a Broken hearted girl anymore, even she can be free from love suffering by Setting a fire to the rain !!!

Finally, What brought her to this grand success is just her past love pain....

She felt pain and made it reality by her songs to be re-born.
And she's done, she made it !!!

And I adore her and love her....

I am obsessed with her songs written  for her impossible love.....


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