Life & Death

The 7th of September, 2013... I would never forget this day ever in my life. I faced with Life & Death, so seriously!

I have seen a lot of movies, true stories and people in the same circumstance. But, I never ever imagined or thought myself would go in and experience that kind of critical line. Everything was fine as usual, that night, during my swimming lesson I drowned due to lack of controlling my breath system in the deepest area of the swimming pool. It may sounds like stupid and unbelievable but I never ever afraid of water like that before, I just learned how the water which always makes me calm and relieved could be so dangerous when it's a wrong turn. 

The scariest moment was under the water and can not do anything but swallowing water and moving all my legs and hands without any thoughts. I suddenly thought that "Okay, this is the end of my life... But wait, Really? Am I dying like this? Really ?" and I was shouting inside myself hell loud "I AM DYING !!!" I still can not say anything for what exactly happened, either my friend who was with me too.

I learned that the human, thinks so many things like "What about my rest of the life? Is this the real ending? Why is there no one who can save us right now? and so on stupid or afterthoughts..." and feels lost and terrifies. Obviously, I was so panicked like a hell and did not know what exactly I had to do. Few seconds I was struggling and agonized. Suddenly I started to think to myself "Hey! You can not die like this, this is stupid, you gotta survive, you have to do something!" And I started to swim and tried to move correctly so that I could get above and breath. However that did not work perfectly because of it's happening for very short time. I can not even describe how we found a way to survive finally.  

After I got survived, I did not know whether I laugh or cry... It was horrible and terrifying moment that I can not even explain how was it. All my body was shaking and still was in a shock. 

This tragedy made me thought a lot of things in this life. I used to say so easily "Damn this life, To die, End of the life, life is all about taking risks and so on" that may cause to call "a death". 

I figured out:

- how the human precious life could be so short and could be depend on just a few seconds, 

- how one human can lose his life so easily with just water

- how could it be a painful or disaster for my loved people after all this happens

Trust me, a lot of things that are all about A life.

After that, to be a little bit relieved, I started to cry and think about my family there... Wanted to grab my self and just fly to home... 

I still can not believe what happened... 

"That scariest moment when I was suffering under the water, can't breath..."

I cried a lot and saying all my thanks and appreciates to the God for saving me and gave me the most cautious warning in this life. Now, I will never know that I still can be a friend with the water which was the reason I experienced this tragedy, and I do not know that if I can sleep calmly at night without thinking that moment... 

Finally I would say to the God again, Thank you for not to taking me and let me live. I will never ever forget this warning of the life and won't underestimate the human life's life & death. 


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