"I will forget you"

I will forget you as my days go on
I will not call you since you won't be there
I will hide away my soul 'coz of your harshness
I will not be there anymore as you walk away

Memories where you are...
Mind of me has forgotten already
My soul where you exist
Moved on further away

I tried thousands of times
To open your heart
I believed in our affection
To be the happiest one

You didn't realize that
My heart needed to breathe
You didn't pleasure that
I was the only one for you

Now, I am letting you go far and far away
Never ever look for you again and again
Then, I am not gonna be the happiest one
But I will be the one who is free

I am losing hopes, if you feel
As if never be alive in your world
I am fading away, if you glance
As if never appears in your eyes

Only one thing I can do is
Forgetting you which kills me
Only one thing I can not do is
Forgiving you which pains me

I will do everything
Only to forget you
I will go on more
Only to live without you


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