What I gained from "where" ?

Opened this empty page without knowing from where to start... Anyway I got up, dressed up and sat back to think about what else I have gained from a place I lived for a past year. 

What I have gained from United States in 2013?

This is a type of question I ask myself every day when I open my eyes in the morning usually. Maybe sometimes, at nights as I can't fall asleep. 

Well, people would say the answer is so simple. "You have gained higher education!" 
- Yes, I did. I am going to say that I did not. Indeed, I learned and gained a lot of things that you (dear reader) never imagined. 

I would say there are exactly 5 things that I have gained from America. 

1. Yes. Higher education! : Master of Business Administration is not a easy staff that every one can do easily but also not that much hard mission that you will suffer from. What I have been thought before I got this golden opportunity, I was the one who always says to oneself that "Wow, MBA! This is a top of mountain that I never will reach for". But now I am telling you this "I am standing on that top and every thing looks awesome from here." 

P.S. I will move on further. I am not a machine, so as every one not only I gained master education does not mean that I can be satisfied of self interest in this society. MBA is just a stair leads you to the top of your whole world. But, how are you going to place that stair and climb into depends only on you. 

2. Friends. The life is unbelievable without life mates. Yes, in that foreign country where I was all alone I had people who were truly my life mates! Sometimes, I can't find words how I am going to express my blessed feelings towards them. I mean, I could have run into people who were careless about me, who were maybe fools that do not understand one's feeling, who were cold hearted till makes me wanna cry or scream. But thankfully, I did meet that kinds of people who you want to be together, who you want to go wherever you wanna go, who you wanna have breakfast, lunch, dinner together, who you wanna go shopping, who you wanna talk so deeply till your heart feels revealed. Let's say your heart is box shaped and you wanna fill it with a very beautiful things by the time your heart breaks (stop beating). 

P.S. And yes, those people are the one that you want to put them in your heart to fill your box and keep them forever until a time comes.

3. Patriotism. It is not a wish for America. America is already grown up without your help. But my opinion about my mother country. I saw America and I looked back to my home said "I am from Mongolia". This is a word that I never forgot even once while living in U.S. More you live in foreign country where life is convenient and usually people want to stay, you will miss your home country IF you are a patriotic. More I lived there, I missed my country. More than meaning of missing, I would say I gained a very important perspective or belief which makes me sticks with my country so that after coming back, I would do the right things for sake of Mongolia. 

P.S. Maybe this is one of reasons why I am writing this post in here, at my home. 

4. Patience. The patience of being alone. The patience of missing your home. The patience of being adapted to situations in which I usually don't want to be. The patience of ignoring different people's characteristics even I can never ever learn to know. The patience of feeling of strangers. I am a type of impatient person. And I gained learning how to be more and more patient in every situation I faced with. Maybe there was a limit of being patient, therefore I am right here now and writing this from my home. 

P.S. However I would say, leaving U.S. 'coz of impatience, it was just a choice that I usually make in my life time.

5. Finally, I gained my writing habit back. Usually I used to write when I felt loneliness or uncomfortable. It was kind of habit of a high school girl. But, thankfully being there all alone and thinking a lot of staffs that rounds inside my head, I gained a greater habit to write about greater topics compared to my little writings. I started to wanting write about variety of topics in life. Most importantly, I gained a realization of what I should do with my writing. No matter what, I thought yes, i just need to write and again no matter what the topics about. But I learned that I can never ever leave this habit. My diary, my poems, my writings, my ripped papers inside my bags, my pen that I carry always when I need to write about something in my head, my unlimited thoughts that can come up from wherever at any times, my wish to write them right away, and my vocabulary are my everything to me now. I can not even breath without them. 

P.S. That's why I gained a vision "Someday I will publish a book about every thing I felt and wrote about. It will be only one in the world placing on my desk"


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