Don't ever look down on someone's individuality !

I am a person. A person who has her own individuality, arrogance, and freedom. Either you are. Have you ever thought about this? Do you think You hurt more when you're injured by swords? When you cut your body's one of parts? Or maybe when you hit your head with something heavy, like rocks? Before you get a answer "Yes", wait a minute. 

What if someone says "A jerk" or "b*tch"? What if a person who you thought he/she is an angel for ya and says words which look down on you or curses you? When you're said some harsh words by someone you thought you are closest to them hurts you more than anything in the world. Because, a soul that is eternal unforgettable memory especially that "bad words". I always like to say "Human is a soul matter thing". You can not just say whatever in your head to your family, friends, relatives or loved ones. They are the people whenever you feel blue who shall be next to you. They have their responsibility to be with you when you are in down situation, either you have. Right here, we should think about more thoughtful when we talk to them. It is better to hurt them with a knife more than harsh words. I say again, Soul doesn't forget a bad word, ever. However you try to whiten your black spots, how much effort you make them to forgive you over such unnecessary stupid words. 

Don't you ever look down on their foot! Actually, you don't have to look down on blur of their shoes. Because you have that blurs too, on your shoes. Think about humanly. Act more wisely.  Don't ever look down on them and say WHATEVER you think which may be apply for yourself only! If we are animals, we might want to bite each other like crazy. Like beasts, we can growl at each other like we do not have our HUMAN MIND.

To more precisely, bad words are more harsh than bad actions when it go into human's heart. 

People, it's already time to be an intelligent. It's time to prove that we are different from beasts. It's time to feel wronged to say something bad to someone. It's time to THINK BEFORE YOU THROW A ROCK to your loved one's SOUL !

2014.10.13 08:40 AM.
Just a small reminder for those who think themselves humans. 


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