The resolutions of 2015

Well, let me say this 2014 was like riding a horse just like it was "a horse year" on the calendar. Everything happened so fast but no effects. I mean, I didn't reach for my goals. These 365 days just flush away in front of my eyes. But time is a time. It runs without no excuses. I believe everything happens for a reason. Therefore, I took this past one year as my preview of the Success of 2015.

Two years ago, when I was waiting for letting go my 2012 year with my newly made friends from abroad, I was asked a very strange but common question.

- What is your resolution?

That time, I couldn't figured that out what did it mean. Since I was so curious and hurry to know about it. I went home (a year after) looked up in the dict. And it said "My goals or the things I want to reach for in following year".

So, this year it took a whole one year for me to point out my resolutions for upcoming year. So, here I go:

1. Establishing NGO which only runs its processes for sake of poor or orphan children and their education
2. Finding what I love to do as a job. Not for the money.
4. Learning how to boxing.
5. Saving money as much as I can for my future.
6. Applying for apartment leasing
7. Write poems  as many as I can
8. Help the people as many as I can
9. Discover true wants and needs for my self.
10. Preparing and taking IELTS
12. Join one of the free activities clubs in UB....
13. Learn more about IT
14. Taking a professional photo for MBA graduation...
15. Take professional photos like following styles:

(Could be added more)


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