“Letting go what you never would”

I recently met my childhood friend whom I haven’t seen for 7 years. I just grabbed piece of paper and a pen to write down about something never get out of my head but I always want every single woman to know. She started to tell me her “love story” which obviously has hurt her for a not short time. She has a guy who even doesn’t care about her but she does the most. Well, I am not telling you that I am a love expert or a psychologist who tells everybody what to do. But only one thing is important here. Listening.

I listened to her. I tried to advice all what I know. It is because of, maybe, I have a similar experience in the past. Or it is because of I value her as my friend and I am on my duty for being “a friend”.
They fell in love. No, wait. He approached her first once she was totally innocent one. Time passes. They have done everything together and seemed like he loved her but she loves him still. In the process of loving each other, she faced with almost all soul-harmful moments only to love him more. He started to get bored of her and try to approach other colleagues at work. Her love towards to him becomes begging, hates, strong arguments, and heartbroken conversations. She gave him so many chances to come to his conscious. But he never did. As I heard of what she told me in every single detail. He is the one who never love her from his heart. He started to see other girls, talk to them. Even call them to his home to stay together all night long which is extremely hateful for my friend as a woman. They tried to pause their relationship few times to see how things would happen. But nothing changed hurts her the most. She is now desperately hurtful. I noticed that she promised herself that she would now never beg him again during our conversation. But still, I saw she would from her eyes. Because it happens for every woman who suffers from this kind of shits. And I was the one of them too. 

But I am super glad that I am not now.

I told her “Dump him”. Not even once. I have been telling her so many times so that she can remember it. Women are strong enough for letting go of what hurt them the most but think that they never could. But from another point, they are so foolish to forgive so many times as their energy refills. As they thinking of they cannot live without them. As they miss the only good memories. They forget about the bad sides. They just blind it.

Let me cite one thing here: “Come on, beautiful! There are numerous things you want to obtain. Not only a man. Man? You are saying that you cannot live without it?! Please, remember that in this life, there are thousands of people who are living without even organs, or hand, foot, or whatever extremely necessary for their only body!”

I am not a Miss Arrogant here. I just realized that there are more things I should acquire except guys. I am just the one who realized that man is not the only thing I need in this life. Gosh! I need money, career, my family, my friends, my youthful joys, my single life, my girly beautiful world.

Especially when you are tripped by a Mr.Wrong.


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