The Time

The time…
Releases everything you are in
Then maybe hurt you after all
Relive again in help with the time

You think yesterday
But, do today
And conclude tomorrow
This is what times does for you
This is why we have three cycles

The time…
Gives you all the hopes
You climb with them confidentially
Then it could bury you in the dark

The time…
Have two shades of it
You either be covered under it
Or you lead it behind yourself
When you under the shades
All the things become not yours
But you are ahead of it
Everything become only yours

Let you forgive who you hate the most
Let you forget what you cherish the most
Let us live as the way we did not want
Let us hope for the impossibles we never imagined

Therefore, I’d name time a pusher
That is why, I always compete with it
Then conquering it, I celebrate
Those of times, I just cherish them…

BY: Spring Destiny
“The Time”


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