"I just hate being apart.."

Sometimes it is just too hard to be alone in this journey. Human are too weak to go through all those adventures alone that come up in life. Friends are supposed to face with difficulties together, fight against them together, learn from them together and grow from them together. I just hate being apart. Every time when I see people here hanging out with their real best friends, having fun, experiencing the life together, building their memory that would last forever, I am so jealous of them that I want to scream as loudest as I can. I miss you my friend. The more people I meet, the more I feel thankful that I have you. Cause it ain’t easy or almost impossible to find right person to call best friend these days. Everywhere it is filled with fair-weather friends. I just need your shoulder to lean on, your hand to hold, your words to be motivated, your advice to find right way, your hug to feel loved and most crucially your presence next to me (not from distance). 

Well, I even can not find sweeter words than this to reply back. This is the text from someone who is finally and truly called "A best friend". People are so innocent when they look into the people around them. They are too fragile to trust those who are next to them. But the only important thing is your soul. Maybe I can just switch a word "best friend" into the "soul-friend". Being next to them with their heart is the most essential part of relationship. Forget about love, forget about a guy or girl who broke your heart. Just your soul friend shall be with you whatever you go through, whenever you feel blue or however you suffer...

I miss you friend, too... :(


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